White Rice, Jareesh (crushed wheat), Onion chopped, Oil, Water, Chicken or Veg broth, Yogurt, Salt, Onions chopped, Ghee, Cumin, Ground Corriander, Dried Lime, ground into powder, Red Chili Flakes
Preparation Steps:
1 Wash rice and jareesh very well, until water runs clear.
This may take several washes. Set aside.
2 Heat oil in a large heavy bottomed pan and cook
one chopped onion until soft and translucent.
3 Add rice/jareesh mixture, add water and broth,
bring to a boil, then cover, put the heat on low, and leave
to cook until all the water has absorbed.
This should take 2 or 2 1/2 hours. It is ok to stir to
check for water absorbtion.
4 In the meanwhile, heat ghee over medium/low heat and
add 3 chopped onions. Cook until the onion is caramelized,
dark brown, and still soft. It may take up to an hour...do not
turn up the heat or you will burn the onions.
5 When onions are cooked, add in corriander, dried lime,
and chili powder. There should still be a good amount of
ghee remaining.
6 Once the jareesh has finished cooking, use a heavy
spoon and to stir in yogurt, cumin and salt.
It should have a creamy consistency, like oatmeal. Add more yogurt and salt to taste.
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